Linear Fit Filter
Short Description: Will perform a least squares linear fit to data.
Threaded: No
Memory Usage: Heavy, makes new elements with the fit values
Supports Streams: Yes
The linear fit filter allows the user to specify the fit formula as well as terms in the linear fit and performs a least squares linear fit using those inputs. It only supports a single input source. For each stream on that source it will have two output streams. The first has a single element giving the coefficients on the fit. The second has the original data along with two extra values giving the value of the function for that element as well as the fit for that element.
The separate out the streams it is recommended that the user use two Stream Split Filters. The first one should have a boolean formula of i%2=0 and the second one should have i%2=1. The first one will only have streams with the fit values. The second one will only have streams with the augmented elements.